
Why is it important to have travel vaccines? and where to find Travel Clinic in Harlesden & Willesden area?

If you traveling abroad, especially to new and exotic places like Africa, Asia and South America, make sure to plan ahead and get travel health advice well in advance of your journey as some travel vaccines can take up to 8 weeks to become effective. Chana Chemist branches in Harlesden, Willesden, Wembley and other parts of London offer a comprehensive travel clinic service with walk in and same day appointments, helping travellers like you to stay safe and protected from serious diseases found

Where to get Hajj and Umrah Vaccination for 2019 in Harlesden and Willesden area

If you are going on Hajj or Umrah Pilgrimage, you need to get the required vaccination and obtain a certificate for it. Chana Chemist branches in Harlesden and Willesden area offer complete vaccination with certificate for Hajj and Umrah. Have you decided to make the journey of your life time, to perform the Hajj or Umrah? If your answer is yes or you are planning to go for the pilgrimage in the future, then read this important article.  As with any other holidays or trips,