1. Call the Pharmacy on 020 8961 4525 to speak to a healthcare professional in regards to booking a SARS-CoV-2 PCR swab test or fill out this form to receive a call back:
2. Please check with the destination country or airline as to when the swab needs to be performed in relation to your Departure. Full guidance can be found on https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus
3. Arrive to the Pharmacy on the set time and date for the swab to be performed
4. We will register you with the ReCoVa-19 platform where you will receive your certificate within 72 hours of your test.
5. A healthcare professional will use the soft tip of the swab to wipe around the back of your throat and then gently swab the inside of your nostrils.
5. The sample will be registered on the ReCoVa-19 platform and then sent to the laboratory via Royal Mail next day delivery.
Terms and conditions apply
This service is available in the following pharmacies.